We had such a fun Red Ribbon Week at Lincoln School! We were so lucky the Teens in Partnership (TIPS) kids came over from Washington MS and did skits for our students on saying no to drugs and vaping. They did an amazing job!!
Lincoln School was so excited to welcome the Trading Card Kids this week! This is a tradition we have missed! The Trading Card Kids came and talked to our students about making good choices for their future by saying NO to drugs and vaping.
This is Red Ribbon week. Our theme this year is, Don’t Let Drugs Mix Up Your Future.
Dress up days at Lincoln are:
Monday - Wear Red Day - Students and Staff are encouraged to wear red as a pledge to be drug free for their future. Ribbons will be passed out. Please wear them all week.
Tuesday - College, University, Trade School, and Military Day - show pride for your future by wearing your favorite college, university, trade school or military clothing.
Wednesday – Tie Up Drugs Day - Wear a tie to show that you support tying up drugs and living a drug free life!
Thursday –Drugs Are Wacky - Style your hair in a wacky fashion to show you can have a fun future without drugs.
This will be a week of learning about how to make positive choices for a successful future!
Good Evening Lincoln School Families. I just wanted to let you know that the boiler is up and working. The repairs are complete and our building has heat. We are ready for later in the week when the temperatures dip again. Thank you again for your continued support of our school. Sincerely, Cindie Togni
Good Evening Lincoln School Families. Tomorrow please have your students wear warm clothes, coats and hats to school. It is cold and wet outside and our building is still without heat. Our boiler is awaiting installation of some critical parts and the earliest that we could schedule and have it completed was this weekend. We want our students in school and look forward to seeing their smiling faces so please have them dress in warm clothes and be ready to learn. Thank you for your continued support of our school. Sincerely, Cindie Togni
Important information about 10/13/21: https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/559998
GPS will be canceling school for the remainder of the day. Please come and get your student from the schools or make arrangements for them to be picked up. Please be safe on the roads. We want to make sure that everyone is safe during this crazy time.
Status of the buildings right now: We do not have water at JES and we still have power down at all of the buildings. The High School does have a backup generator that they are currently on. We do not feel the power will be back on before lunch time to feed our students. Our communication systems are not working well right now either.
We wanted to get this message out to you as soon as possible. At this point, we are still having school, but as of now, we have all 4 buildings without power because of downed power lines. The situation is being worked on and we should have more information soon. Please make sure you are checking your messages as we will be sending updates out soon. If we can’t get some things situated, we might have to cancel school for the remainder of the day. This decision will be made in the next 45 to 90 mins.
Please click on the following link for important information about GPS transportation. Thank you!
Just a reminder folks, Glendive Public Schools will be out Friday September 3rd and Monday September 6th for the Labor Day Holiday. Everyone have fun and stay safe!
The Veteran’s Letter Writing Campaign is looking for volunteers to be a part of our committee.
If you haven’t heard about us yet, please click on the following links below for more information:
Parents and students who are needing instruments to participate in the band programs at WMS and LES are invited to an instrument presentation on Wednesday, August 25th
from 4:00-6:30 in the WMS bandroom.
We can’t wait to see our Lincoln Dinos tomorrow!! Just a reminder of the schedule for tomorrow and Thursday!
7:45-8:00 Meet on the playground to meet our staff and enjoy muffins and juice
8:05-8:45 Open House time in the classrooms unpacking and learning about the teacher
8:45-9:15 Parent Meeting in the Gym with Mrs. Togni.
Please click on the following link for important information about the 21-22 school year. https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/509027
GPS posted important information about the 21-22 school year.
Hello everyone,
In order to have the best schools that we can, the first step is getting feedback from all stakeholders. As community members, your feedback is vital to assist us in creating the best learning environments for our students. Please help us out by filling out the following survey. The more we know how to improve, the better experience we will be able to set up for our students, teachers, and staff.
If you have already taken another one of our surveys, we invite you to take this as well as it has different questions on it. We would love it if every person in our community could give us feedback.
2021 Community Survey
Click on the link above. Once there, click on the “Take this survey” button. You only need to take the survey once.
Survey Close date: July 9, 2021
Paper Survey: If you would like to fill out a paper survey, please come to the district office (DCHS Merrill Entrance).
Thank you!
Important information about the GPS Family Survey: https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/479463
Important Information for the Last Week of School.
Please click on the following link to see important information about tomorrow (5/1/21).
We just were told our link to the video that was sent out last week from Superintendent Schreibeis didn't work. It should work now. Here is the message again with the updated link.
New GPS Update: